Sunday, November 8, 2015

Spring and Summer's end…….

Hello friends!

Where has the summer gone??

I thought I would share a few spring and summer photos with you since I haven't posted since FEBRUARY!!

I'm finding it quite frustrating these days to blog….. for some reason whenever I leave comments on other blogs I always get the notice that my comment cannot be sent. I still love to go through blogs and drool over beautiful photos but I rarely comment because it always gets "sent back" to me. Grr!!

You can mostly find me on Instagram these days…. click here.

David Austin Roses.
My favorite.
I'm obsessed. 

This peachy pink beauty is Abraham Darby.

Lilacs in the spring time. We had 9 inches of hail in May of this year. It devastated my gardens. I was able to save just a few flowers but my June was not as it should have been. I should have been loaded with peonies, tulips, daffodils, aliums, you name it! Instead I had very few. 

Spring migration in my yard brings the Bullock's Oriole. He makes the cold and snow in May worth it!

I had to buy peonies at the market this year. I was able to salvage just a few from my garden and they were so precious to me.

My back patio was still quite enjoyable this year in spite of the damaging hail.

This peony from my garden managed to still bloom a few flowers for me. 
It is a tie for me, David Austins and Peonies, both bring me such joy.

This Sarah Bernhardt Peony from my garden is another favorite.

More Abraham Darbys….

Another view of my patio and backyard…..

Spirit of Freedom David Austin rose, with 200 petals on each bloom this is one of my most favorites.

Gathering David Austins for a bouquet.

I don't usually see the Cooper's Hawk getting a drink at my birdbath but he did on this day!

French soaps and vintage french goodies with roses.

I also love the hummingbirds.

This is one of my Wedgewood climbing David Austins. Perfectly pale pink.

I can't believe the holidays are fast approaching!
I am starting to think of my holiday decor for this year.

I hope you have a wonderful fall or spring, wherever you may be.



  1. Bullock's Oriole... how lovely. Had never seen this one in my garden. Love your roses too.


    1. Thank you! I only get them in May and sometimes end of July when the males head south again.

  2. Gorgeous photos and spectacular flowers. Your roses and peonies are stunning.


  3. Hey there!!!! You won a giveaway over here at Fishtail Cottage!!!!

  4. Absolutely love the mint coloured jug!!! Mint with pink flowers looks so stunning!!! I bought a beautiful mint pallet crate on today definitely my favourite colour right now!

  5. Wow so beautiful pictures. I am in love with your blog.

    Love Lone

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  7. nice roses .Meanwhile read inspiring and latest news

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