Monday, April 30, 2012


Hello friends!

My lilac is finally blooming, and I couldn't wait to bring some of the purple flowers in.

I love the turquoise jar with the lavender blooms.

I had to share this one of my Manx, Olivia.
She was a rescue and is the sweetest and mischievous cat.
She follows me around like a dog, in fact it is hard to get photos, she seems to think she should be included in all of them.
She waits for me at the door when I come home.
She insists on having running water so she may quench her thirst.
She lets me know if her food dish is not full, even if it is 2 AM.
She brings anything she can get her teeth around to my closed bedroom door and by morning I always have treats awaiting me.
Elastics are her favorite but she also brings small toys, wool socks, anything she can manage up the stairs.
I can't have throw rugs at all or she will poop on them. Thank goodness we don't have carpet in our home.
She will attack our other cat if she sees a cat crossing her yard. It sounds terrible, snarling and screaming, poor Mia doesn't even know what hit her half the time.
Even at 2 AM.
She believes she is a lap cat and demands to get under the blanket if you have one on you.

I regress.....back to the lilacs.

 You just can't beat the Colorado blue sky.

The scent is heavenly.

Blooms still waiting to open.

I hope you all have a wonderful week!



  1. So so beautiful! Bet the fragrance is heavenly too! Have a wonderful week
    Victoria xx

  2. Shanon, the lilacs are just beautiful and I can smell them from here! They look so great in the turquoise jar. I grew up with a lilac bush and really miss them. It's to hot where I live for them to grow. Olivia is so sweet! My cat also loves running water instead of in a bowl!!

  3. Oh my gosh Shanon, your lilac bush is exquisite. Ours are getting on the old side, but I still manage to swipe a few sprigs here and there. I love the scent soooo much.


  4. Your lovely kitty is bringing you gifts! When we had a kitty she would escape to the wilds of our front garden. One morning as I was fetching the newspaper-bare foot-I felt something squishy and cold, Daisy had left the heart for me on the front porch! Another time just the nose of a mole! You are being honored by your greatful kitty cat!

    1. Oh my! I would hate it if she left me a heart! What a sweet kitty you had to leave you such a treat. I loved how you said 'escape to the wilds of our front garden".

  5. Olivia is a great model. Your lilacs are beautiful. They're one of my fave flowers.

  6. Wow--that lilac bush is awesome! Mine is not looking good this year. Hopefully better next year. Your kitty is cute:)

  7. Just found your simply gorgeous blog
    Your lilac bush is amazing, mine is not completely in flower yet a bit colder over here in Ireland, what a sweet little cat!


  8. Love that huge lilac tree you have!!! I've always wanted one but never buy one when I come across one for sale. They look so pretty in the aqua jar. I might have to finally buy one ;)

  9. Lucky you to have beautiful fresh flowers at your finger tips...
    I'm so jealous...
    Blessings Lori

  10. Hello sweet friend! What a cute kitty kitty! I have two also, that think they are dogs, meowing at me and following me around. ~giggle~ I love them to pieces, oh and I love the name ;). My heavens those lilacs are gorgeous! Yumm! Have a beautiful and blessed day!

  11. your lilacs are gorgeous! darling kitty--love her name:)


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